Day by day,
With each passing moment,
The pain gets stronger,
With each rejection,
The pain gets worse,
They keep on asking,
Asking me to change,
A lifetime of training,
Gone in a fleeting rage,
They keep on testing me,
Asking me to change,
How long can i hold out?
I do not know,
The desire gets stronger,
With each passing day,
The gift i was given,
Is what they desire,
If i change,
I will be lost forever,
How long will my defences hold ?
How much longer can i hide ?
With each passing moment,
They search for me,
Trying to change me,
To turn me to the dark side,
The stones tell me ... No.
But they offer so much,
The wife i once loved,
Once more i could touch,
But what of my son ?
He will not exist,
The woman i love ?
Oh how she will be missed,
Go tell your masters,
Not in this life,
Not even if they promise,
To give me back my wife.

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