He visits me each weekend,

That little ray of light,

When he climbs the garden gate,

He looks a funny sight,

We both keep a secret,

To tell he says i can,

When he is as big as his dad,

He is gonna be Spiderman,

He likes to play with all the toys,

And kick a ball with the big boys,

When times are hard,

And pretty grim,

To cheer myself up,

I just think of him,

Conceived on the solstice,

Born with golden eye,

When i think i cannot go on,

He gives me reason why,

He tells me off for riding his scooter,

Lewis… i said,

This scooter needs a hooter,

If i could live my life again,

I would not change a thing,

Not if it meant,

Not having my son,

Or the chance to play with him. 

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